Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Please help donate!

How adorable is her logo?
I've said her name before, and I'm going to say it again...

Skinny Emmie.

I know that I have mentioned her a lot, but that's because she is the person that inspired me the most to start my own weight loss journey.  It was through reading her blog that she made me realize that I could do this too.  She has known me since I was 13.  She is an awesome person who has been to hell and back.  You've heard me mention her half marathon.  Well, I'm mentioning it again.  She is attempting to raise $2500 to donate to Kentucky Neuroscience Institute for Parkinson's Disease research in honor of her late mother who passed away WAY too young due to Young Onset Parkinson's Disease.

I've copied the widget below that will make it easy for you to donate.  Please help her out!  Be it $5, $10, whatever you can afford...  Every little bit helps!

She deserves everyone's support.

Oh, and read her blog.  She's damn awesome.

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