Saturday, August 27, 2011

My Fativersary: My Life a Year Later

Weight on August 27, 2010:        310.0 pounds
Weight on August 27, 2011:        242.8 pounds

Weight Lost in One Year:               67.2 pounds

Yes, I am up from my last weigh-in, but I'm not going to dwell on that, because I know what factors contributed to it.  I also know that it is just a temporary glitch and I will be back in the 230s again soon.

I'm here to focus on my journey over the course of the past year.  Where my life was, and what I am now.

Then?  I was lost.  Now?  I am found.  (Lame, but true.)

Then?  I was sad.  Now?  I am happy!

Then?  I was unemployed.  Now?  I'm getting ready to start a new adventure with a job and boss that I adore!

Then?  I had no hope.  Now?  I see and feel hope everyday.  Because as the quote from one of my favorite movies says:

"Hope is a good thing.  Maybe the best of things, and no good things ever die."

Find your hope.

1 comment:

  1. congratulations!!! that's great work, maia! so glad for you and your new found & hopeful state of being!
