Today I came to a very difficult decision. It's a decision that I've made before, but this I had to make it for a different reason.
I'm not running the Disney Princess Half Marathon in February.
Last time I did it because I was in a bad place mentally and couldn't make it work time wise. (I had just re-entered the work force and was opening a Broadway show.)
This time I'm doing it because I just can't afford it.
Taking a trip to Disney World in February, while it sounds fantastic, is just going to take a huge hit on my bank account. I had told my Mom that I would take her with me and I just can't make it work budgetarily right now. I am at the point in my life when I need to actually start saving and putting money away for retirement and for a rainy day. I need to make these difficult decisions where I choose the safer route, rather than the fun route.
This isn't going to stop me from training though. I just won't do it as rapidly. I know that I could have run this half marathon if I worked for it. I know that in my mind and in my heart. I had the determination to do it. So, that won't change. But, this will make the week that my Mom is in Washington DC with me for Christmas a less stressful affair as I won't constantly be running to the gym to run.
This sucks, don't get me wrong. I'm disappointed. I just needed to make a grown up decision and that sucks sometimes.
You can still run the 13 miles in Columbus, Louisville or Cinci! It won't be as fun, but it still would represent an accomplishment.