Yes, I weighed myself this week. I was pretty much exactly what I was last week. I had a few bad eating days, plus the issues with my knee. That all adds up to not losing any weight.
But, my knee is almost completely back to 100%. I'm stretching it, resting it when I can, and it appears to be working. That means I'm back on my C210K program, and boy am I happy about that!
Here's why...
Yesterday I did my Week 3, Day 3 program. There are only three scheduled program days per week because you are supposed to either rest or cross train (any cardio that doesn't use the same muscle groups as running: elliptical, swimming, bike or even walking) on the in between days. On my training day yesterday I was to run 90 seconds then walk 3:30 ten times. By the end I was dripping in sweat. I was tired and I felt great. My heart rate had been high, but a good high. I got a very good workout in, but I didn't over do it. After some light weight lifting, I had burned well over 800 calories in 1 hour 20 minutes. Simply put, I kicked ass.
Then tonight came... I hadn't been on the elliptical in a few weeks and I felt it would be a good cross training device. I actually wanted to swim, but the hotel pool closes early here so I wasn't able to get there in time. I got on the elliptical and chose the same hill program that I alway use. I set it to a lower level to warm up with and proceeded to increase the levels continuously. Here's the thing... I never really worked up a sweat for the entire 45 minutes I was on there. My heart rate barely got up to 140 (and that was rare) and I burned a disappointing 450 calories. I thought it was interesting that a machine that had given me such a good workout just a few short weeks ago now simply isn't cutting it.
I realized after only a few weeks of running, I've already increased my stamina so much that running back to giving me the best workout in terms of calories burnt, and heart rate (and I can do it!). The others will work in a pinch, but I'm back to using running as my primary source of cardiovascular exercise!
I'm really excited about this. I actually really enjoyed running before. It was difficult and constantly challenging my body in ways that I couldn't believe. However when I achieved the new goals it gave me a high like I had never felt before. I guess it comes from being overweight/obese my entire life. I got so used to telling myself I couldn't ever do something, that when I finally did it? Words can't describe that feeling of joy accurately.
I still have doubts creep back into my brain periodically (especially when my knee was hurting) about whether or not I can get back into shape enough to run a half marathon next year. But you know, I think I'm a bit wiser going in this time... I know what I need to do and not do, or at least I have a better idea. I can learn from my previous mistakes. I can be smart about it.
I will do this. I will achieve this goal. I will achieve all my weight loss/fitness goals.
I believe it.
Week 4 of my training is tomorrow. I can't wait.
Way to go!